JENNIFER MORROW - Principal Lawyer

Jennifer can assist in planning for your family’s future whilst protecting and preserving your wealth, values and wishes.

Jennifer believes that a well drafted Will is necessary to make sure that your wishes are carried out and gives you control over how your assets are to be distributed. She can also prepare an Enduring Power of Attorney, an Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker, and an Advance Care Directive for you, which will govern how you will be cared for financially and medically if you are unable to make decisions in the future.

Jennifer can also assist in the administration of deceased estates and conveyancing transactions.

Jennifer is a Member of the Law Institute of Victoria and is also a volunteer solicitor at Central Highlands Community Legal Centre.


  • Bachelor of Science Monash University
  • Bachelor of Applied Science (Chiro) Phillip Institute of Technology (now RMIT University)
  • Bachelor of Laws with Honours University of New England
  • Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice Australian National University
  • Certificate IV in Celebrancy The Gordon